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equipping businesses for humans.
equipping humans for business.

advancing the state of work for the sake of humanity


Integral Organizational Development
Leadership Culture Strategy Communication


Trade Last is a coaching and organizational development company. We work with leaders and their teams and the systems of the organization. The purpose of our work is to develop leaders (the person) who will use their growth to change the way work works (culture), which in turn changes our lives and changes our world. 

imagine a world where human beings & the organizational systems they make up function with health, trust & compassion

Trade Last provides the integration of the inner work necessary for human development and the implementation of real strategies for business results.

Our work is created for leaders ready to activate their highest potential for the long game of meaningful success.


“The leaders of great organizations do not see people as a commodity to be managed to help grow the money. They see the money as the commodity to be managed to help grow their people.”

Simon sinek, leaders eat last



  • executive coaching

  • leadership training and development

  • culture creation

  • mission, vision, values, brand creation/clarification and communication

  • strategic planning: from purpose to process

  • team development and cohesion

  • 360 degree feedback reviews


“Depth is critical for leadership success.
Only to the degree that you reach profoundly into the inner self can you also be effective in leading an organization.”

Peter Koestenbaum
the philisophic consultant,
revolutionizing organizations with ideas


Why Trade Last?

A Passion for the art & science of human development

My own passion for human development led me to make the decision to leave my award-winning company after building it from the ground up for more than a decade.  This decision was grounded in the belief that the way we engage one another in the workplace impacts the whole of our lives.  As a consultant, it was plain to see that people want to do good work and most typically, have the competence to do so.

experience as a business owner

What cost organizations time, money, effectiveness and impact was a lack of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, relationships built on trust and an understanding of how the inner life (mind and body) impact the external outcomes of work. People problems are the problems of every organization. And people, healthy people building healthy relationships building healthy cultures are the solutions. 

depth, compassion, care

I do this work now because your work matters and your work-life matters. Because the soft skills are the hard skills. Because better human beings make better leaders. And better leaders have the opportunity to wield their influence to change the way work works, which in turn changes our lives and changes our world.  

a dream made manifest

Working with senior leaders, I get to see the hope of my decision made manifest: human beings and the organizational systems they make up functioning with love, trust and compassion.